Best Buy 2 Dozen (24) Wooden Roses Colorful Arrangement in Sleeve
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2012 2 Dozen 24 Wooden
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Here are some of the great features of 2 Dozen (24) Wooden Roses Colorful Arrangement in Sleeve
2 Dozen 24 Wooden, These are 24 beautiful wooden roses wrapped in a nice decorative sleeve for giving as a gift. Each rose is made of colorful wooden petals, and a stem made of flexible wire wrapped in a realistic green color, making them perfect for arranging or simply for display in a vase.
- Colorful
- Wooden artificial roses
- Green stem, flexible for arrangement
- With leaves at the base of each rose
2 Dozen 24 Wooden Best Price on Best Deals 2012. Find best deal on 2 Dozen (24) Wooden Roses Colorful Arrangement in Sleeve with Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Best Deals hot offers!